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Cristina Grajales gallery

Metamorphosis - Tree Bookshelf by Sebastian Errazuriz

Many things can become the source of inspiration for the designers. Some of them are inspired by the beauty of the surrounding nature; others had warm and pleasant memories from their childhood. Chilean born, New York-based designer and artist Sebastian Errazuriz remembered the thick ivy that he used as natural shelves for his childhood garden toys creating his unusual bookshelf which got the name “Metamorphosis” in collaboration with woodworkers from the Horm furniture company. The bookshelf is hand carved from Baltic birch plywood and resembles a big tree branch with lots of ramifications. It can be used either for book and magazines storing or for decorating the space. “Metamorphosis” will become the part of “Beautiful Premonitions” exhibition which will take place at the Cristina Grajales gallery in New York at the end of April.

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