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Domino Wall Clock by Carbon Design Group

Domino Wall Clock by Carbon Design Group

Carbon Design Group has completed their work on the prototype of unusual Domino Wall Clock. I'm sure it will be difficult to guess that you see the clock on the pictures below. And it is also not clear at first sight, how we should understand the time. In fact, it's simple. The Clock consists of three large domino bricks placed right next to each other. The first piece tells us the hours, and then the two digits for the minutes. Joe Sullivan, one of designers, says that it’s interesting to play with people’s associations. “We’re taking a well-known object out of its normal context and giving it new capabilities, allowing it to function as something completely different." Domino Clock works due to new type of electronic magnetic coil motor. Strict geometric forms and combination of black and white make this item stylish addition to your interior design.

Domino Wall Clock by Carbon Design Group Domino Wall Clock by Carbon Design Group Domino Wall Clock by Carbon Design Group Domino Wall Clock by Carbon Design Group Domino Wall Clock by Carbon Design Group
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